Monday, February 13, 2012

Reflection on Powell boys.

As I reflect back on what Josh Powell did, I hope law enforcement and CPS change how they do things. This could have been prevented by simply doing a visit within CPS office, police station etc.   
  Now our worries are going to be on baby Lisa Irwin's siblings and Michelle Parkers twins just to name A few. I fear due to the custody hearings in both these cases this tragic out come can come again.
  CPS needs to step it up and do A better job at protecting these children. High profile cases  right now seem to have the highest percentage of these things going wrong.
  If the siblings of Lisa Irwin would have been removed from the beginning the one boy may have talked and we might now know what happened to baby Lisa.  I feel these children should be put in a safe place  until all questions have been answered as to what happened to the missing people. The old saying "out of the mouth of babes" may have given law enforcement the answers they needed to find Lisa Irwin.
  So for now all we can do is hope these children stay safe and encourage CPS to do things differently.
  As I said earlier CPS and the Judge failed these poor boys.,0,6196029.story 
 CPS has serious problems says Washington Senator. Lets hope these boys did not die totally in vain. Hope CPS, judges and all other have learned from this huge mistake and fix it. 

                                   DO THE RIGHT THING AND FIX THE PROBLEMS!

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