Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby Gabriel

This is a case that broke before I joined twitter. I asked my followers if there is any other case of missing, abused etc child that needs our attention and this case was brought to my attention.
  I am sorry to say I know nothing about this case, but I will give it the same attention as the rest.
Here is A link to the case
                         Here is A aged photo of what Gabriel may look like as of Dec 2011                                                            HLN news coverage on this case.

      I just listened the HLN story. And what A shock this baby is missing due A custody battle. I have said it before and I will say it again. Some how these children need better protection. If CPS knew the mother was unstable this baby should have been removed.
   If you think you have seen Gabriel please call 911 or even your local police. Listed below are other numbers you can call to report possible sighting of Gabriel. San Antonio PD : 210 207 7662 and 1800 THE LOST. Thank you very much for reading this story.
                                    LETS BRING GABRIEL HOME SAFE AND SOUND

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