Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jahessye Shockley

Here is another case in which CPS has failed A child. The mother of missing child had A few child abuse charges against her. The grandmother was given custody of her by CPS. The grandmother in turn gave Jahessye back to her mother. The child was in the care of the mother when said child went missing. I thought CPS does home visits and talks to the child/children. If they did so they would have found out that Jahessye was not staying with grandma but instead was staying with her mother.
   A news person reported that it is not against CPS rules to give the child you have custody of to another person. WTH??? The child was taken from the care of the mother for A reason. Once again CPS has failed A child. When are these agencies going to realize what they are doing is hurting kids. I thought the idea of CPS was to protect children.
   How can these parents keep hurting these beautiful  children. Look at that face, how could you not protect that child, or any child .http://www.atoast2wealth.com/2012/02/17/missing-girl-jhessye-shockley-still-not-found-but-documents-found-in-landfill/

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