Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Lisa Irwin

This whole story has more twist than A bakery full of pretzels.
Deb (Lisa's mother) was seen on store video buying A box of wine. She said she put Lisa down for bed at 6:30 PM. She then sat outside with A neighbor drinking the wine. She later goes in the house but doesn't remember if she checked on Lisa at 10:30 PM or not.
  Lisa's father come home work somewhere around 3:30 AM. Found front door open and all the lights lit. He said he went in and woke up Lisa yelling at her why the door was open and lights were let on. They searched the house and only things missing was Baby Lisa and 3 cell phones (which they claim weren't on due to non payment). They said they searched all over and could not find Lisa. Police were called, they said Lisa was kidnapped from her crib.
   After the news broke A neighbor said she saw A man around midnight walking down her street carrying something that looked like an undressed baby. Later A store video showed A man walking near the woods in A white t-shirt but video was not near or clear enough to see if he was carrying anything. Later A man riding A motorcycle called the police saying he too saw A man carrying an undressed baby. In between all of these sightings there was A dumpster fire somewhere around 3 AM.
   Deb was asked by police what Lisa was wearing when she was put to bed. (the items she described were later found in the crib of Lisa).  In the dumpster fire was also found burnt baby cloths. (which I think were put there to throw off the police).
  In come the searchers, they looked in every nook and cranny around the Irwin home and in the woods and the creek. Items were later removed as evidence. A few days later in comes A cadaver dog, which hit on A spot just beside Deb's bed. Deb's lawyer tried  to say that the smell the dog hit on could have been there for as long as 20 years, or a toenail clipping or baby pooh that got on the carpet. If that smell was there for 20 years that means the rugs were never shampooed or replaced in 20 years.  (yeah right).
   Now come the cell phones into play, A called was made from a cell phone that was supposed to be turned off for non payment made A phone call that lasted 50 seconds to A person that the Irwin's claim they dont know. But that phone number was later seen written on Deb's hand .And the person that owns the phone that received the call claims she dont know the Irwin's.
   Deb and Jeremy left their home ( at that time it was to parts unknown) They were later found at a relatives house. After A news announcement   they were whisked away by their lawyer and A P.I.
   Some of the searchers started a prayer vigil to guide them in the right direction to find Lisa. Deb made the demand that she wanted the vigils to stop. But the searchers refused, just moved them. 
   Police questioned Deb and Jeremy. Police also wanted to question the boys but the parents refused to let them be questioned. And come to find out that the Irwin's lawyer is about as sleazy as Baez. (what A shock).
  Deb and Jeremy were just on the Dr. Phil show, mind you they haven't talked to the police in A long time but can go on Dr Phil's show. I did not watch the interview so I do not know what was said.
   I think the 2 boys should have been removed from the home once law enforcement believed there was foal play involved and put somewhere safe until all this gets sorted out. . If they would have removed them they may have talked as to what they seen or heard the night Lisa went missing. There is also A custody battle of one of the boys in which the bio mom wants her child out of that house. After what Josh Powell did, I feel these boys can now be in danger. People can only be pushed so far until they snap.
Someone please find out what happened to this baby. In this picture it looks like she is looking at the world for help from us. http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474980794087

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